Note: The Bismarck square dance club has moved their dances to the Bismarck Eagles Club. The schedule can be downloaded under "Club Events"
The special dance with Jerry Junck in Aug. has been cancelled.
The 2024 Square Dance Festival was a great time. Thank you for your attendance. Some pictures from the event are below.
The two Fargo square dance clubs have disbanded and now dance as the FM Square Dancers Association. They still dance the same nights but now have less paperwork, fewer required filings etc.
check out the calendar at
If you are wanting to go to a dance, please contact the local folks to make sure the dance will happen.
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At the Member meeting held during the April 2023 ND State Festival changes were voted on for the Constitution/By-Laws. The amended Constitution can be downloaded below.
The purpose of the ND Square and Round Dance Clubs is
(A) To promote the teaching of the fundamentals of square and round dancing.
(B) To assist in the formation and development of clubs.
(C) To promote friendliness and hospitality through the medium of square and round dancing.
(D) To operate on a non-profit basis.
Sign up to hear from us about special events.
The State Festival is held each year during the last weekend in April.
The Bismarck Belles "N Beaux have announced they are sponsoring the 2025 71st ND State Square & Round Dance Festival April 25 & 26, 2025. The event will be held in Fargo ND at Holy Spirit Catholic Church 1420 7th St. N. Fargo ND The caller is Larry Pfennig and the cuer is Bernadette McNeil. The Festival Registration Flyer is below
2025 Square Dance Festival Flyer (pdf)
Here is a link to the Manitoba square dance website:
You can find information about their dances and special events. Their National will be in Calgary AB next year.
Organizers of the 74th National Square Dance Convention have asked that we publicize their convention that is planned for June 25 through June 28 , 2025 Please look at their website and spread the word for a great convention in Shreveport, LA.
The direct link to downloads is
there you will find flyers for campgrounds, dance classes, Ghost Riders, Tours and Registration and so much more.
The 74th National Square Dance Convention will be held in Shreveport, LA on June 25 - 28, 2025